World Stroke Day: Balanced Lifestyle & Little Alert Can Help You, Says KIMS Expert

Bhubaneswar, October 28:  A little neglect can lead to tragic situation resulting in brain stroke or simply stroke. It occurs following a blockage of blood supply to brain and is very crucial to take the patient within 4.5 hours of the stroke to the nearest hospital to save his/her life.

Well-known Neurologist and HoD of Department of Neurology at Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS) Dr Santosh Kumar Dash says “October 29th is celebrated as World Stroke Day and aims at creating awareness on the condition and on the rising incidence of stroke across India.”

Terming it a common neurological disorder, Dr Dash said in India brain stroke is now on a rising trend and in a population of 1 lakh, 100 to 150 persons are diagnosed with it. It is easily recognized with a drooping of the face, weakness in arms and slurred speech.

“However, the most important thing regarding a stroke patient is to get him/her for treatment as soon as possible so that the intervention could be possible and the life could be saved,” he added.

This condition develops within some minutes and results in a painful situation leading to acute stroke and damaging the brain. If not treated within the 4.5 hours’ Window Period then the situation might become irreversible and ultimately the patient would die.

This year the World Stroke Day Theme is “Together we are #Greater Than Stroke.” It tries to emphasize the prevention of risk factors such as hypertension, irregular heartbeat, smoking, diet and exercise, as nearly 90 percent of strokes can be prevented by addressing the risk factors.

Suggesting a healthy lifestyle, Dr Dash said avoiding smoking, alcohol intake and restricting use of common salt in diet and less consumption of red meat and sugar would help an individual immensely in managing risks for stroke. Regular physical activities and also health check-up could also help a lot in keeping stroke away.

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