Maha Bishuba Shankranti to be observed as International Jay Shree Jagannath Day

Every year, Maha Vishuv Sankranti marks the beginning of Odia New Year. On 14th April 2023, a crowd of like minded people assembled at Town Hall, Puri for the first celebration of “International Shree Jagannath Day.”
The International Council of Education Employment and Empowerment (IC3E.ORG) and the Institute of Digital Media Technology (IDMT.IN) joined hands to give wings to this celebration. IDMT.IN made the day memorable for all Odias by unveiling 108 picturesque images of Lord Jagannath as described in holy scriptures. Sri Pradeep Kumar Tripathy, Director, IDMT.IN, revealed for the first time, a splendid graphics video of Shree Jagannath and his 108 different names. The audio track was mesmerizing, as were the visuals of different ‘Beshas’ of the Almighty.

Sri Tripathy who organised and conducted the whole event was accompanied on the dais by eminent personalities Dr. Bhaskar Mishra, Sri Prafulla Mishra (Chancellor of Rajendra Agriculture University), Dr. Harihar Hota, (Ex- Vice Chancellor), Sri Madhusudan Mishra (Retired IAS), Sri Janardan Patajoshi Mohapatra (Chhatisha Nijog Mahanayak), Sri Madhusudan Singari, Sri Nilamani Guru, Sri Balaram Das Goswami, Dr. Bikash Kumar Prasad, Sri Priyadarshi Pattnaik, Sri Guru Charan Das (Researcher), Sri Samarendra Rout (Senior Journalist), and well-known writer and researcher Smt Srutikirti Tripathy.
The chief guests gave wonderful insights on the importance of Lord Jagannath in our culture. As mentioned by Niladri Mahodaya Sri Jagannath who is considered the Lord of the Universe celebrates Maha Vishuv Sankranti in a unique way. He’s given a grand bath and adorned with “New Patta Vastra”. Various kinds of cakes and drinks are prepared for the Lord. Panna, a traditional odia drink, is the highlight of this feast. On this day, devotees flock to the temple in large numbers to pray for the long life and prosperity of their loved ones.

The joint venture of the International Council of Education Employment and Empowerment and the Institute of Digital Media Technology is an innovative approach to propagate the grace and majesty of Lord Shree Jagannath throughout the world.
The festive celebration of ‘International Shree Jagannath Day’ is a message to the whole world and calls for acknowledgement and continuation in the coming years. The event that spanned about 3 hours came to an end with Dr. Harihar Hota felicitating the distinguished guests with “Uttariya”. Sri Janardan Pattajoshi Mohapatra (Sri Mandir’s Chatisha Nijog Mahanayak) also distributed sweets among the people present.