Merchant awareness programme on BBPS and SBI EPAY

Today SBI, Local Head Office, Bhubaneswar has conducted one merchant awareness programme on BBPS and SBI EPAY. Top officials of SBI from Corporate Centre, Mumbai attended the meeting and addressed the gathering. Chief General Manager of Bhubaneswar Circle Shri Chander Shekhar Sharma, General Manager, Network-I Shri Ponnambalam Murugan, Deputy General Manager, Shri Amarendra Kumar and Sanjay Jha were among officials of Local Head Office, who attended the meeting. BBPS is a RBI initiative for making payment of various bills, school fees, municipality taxes etc in a single platform. It is a user-friendly platform both for consumers as well as for merchants. Details of it were explained by a team of official from Corporate Centre headed by Shri Partha Sarathi Patra, Chief General Manager (Digital & Transaction banking). Nearly hundreds of people attended the meeting and participated in an interactive session. Meeting ended with vote of thanks given by Shri Amarendra Kumar (DGM). This meeting was conducted for sole purpose of popularizing an initiative by RBI for the benefit of Bank’s customer as well as for non-customers.