Dedicated initiatives to safeguard honest consumers and enhance power reliability

Bhubaneswar, August 6, 2023: TPCODL is on a confident journey forward, with a range of important plans in motion. These encompass enhancements such as strengthening infrastructure, adopting new technology, and elevating customer service standards. TPCODL remains devoted to guaranteeing reliable and uninterrupted power for all. Substantial investments are being made to enhance infrastructure. Yet, a challenge persists. Some individuals are engaging in electricity theft, leading to significant losses for TPCODL and for the honest consumers.
To safeguard the rights of honest customers and thwart unauthorized connections, TPCODL is undertaking extensive campaigns. Diligent efforts are being made to identify and sever illicit connections, ensuring uninterrupted access to power for those who rightfully pay for it. Meticulous scrutiny of power meters and wiring, along with strong actions against wrongdoers, aids TPCODL in combatting theft and reducing power losses. This collective endeavor not only alleviates the financial burden on honest customers but also contributes to overall improvement.
Recently, the TPCODL Enforcement team successfully apprehended an individual involved in electricity theft within the Konark Section. Despite holding a small industrial power connection, this individual resorted to devious tactics involving wire manipulation. Swift action was taken, including the filing of a detailed report. The stolen power was being utilized to operate rice processing machinery, consuming a substantial load of 19 kilowatts through an unauthorized connection. Demonstrating unwavering commitment, TPCODL imposed a fine of Rs 1.69 Lacs on the offender.
TPCODL aims to raise awareness about these unacceptable practices. The company urges individuals to refrain from stealing power and promptly report any instances they witness. Reports can be submitted conveniently via WhatsApp (9437158670), email (, or the TPCODL Mitra app. Stringent measures await those who violate the rules, underscoring the seriousness of the matter.
TPCODL stands resolute against electricity theft, fully aligned with the stipulations of the Indian Electricity Act of 2003. These actions are unequivocally termed as “Pilferage of Electricity,” and Section 135 mandates stringent penalties, including the potential for imprisonment for repeated offenses.
TPCODL firmly takes a stand to ensure honest power usage, contributing to a secure and robust energy future.