PRCI gold award for ER-II, HQ under best use of CSR project for childcare

ER-II HQ was awarded the Gold award for best use of CSR project for childcare by Public Relations Council of India (PRCI). The award was presented during the PRCI Global Communication Conclave held at Kolkata on 12th December 2022. Shri Virender Pratap Singh, Sr. Manager (HR) received the award on behalf of ER-II, HQ from Shri Sanjiv Kumar, Managing Director (Tata Steel).

The award is in recognition of NTPC initiative under its CSR scheme for providing Sanitary Napkin Vending Machines, Sanitary Napkin Incinerator Machines for use of girl students and other utility items through Vasudha Mahila Mandal to Satyabhama Devi College/ Higher Secondary School, Bhubaneswar which is a special school taking care of education of the hearing-impaired students in the State of Odisha.