SBI celebrated World Environment Day

Bhubaneswar: SBI Local Head Office Bhubaneswar has observed World Environment Day 2023 on the theme “ Beat the Plastic”. A walkathon led by DGM & CDO Shri Manoj Kumar Singh was carried out by staffs of LHO in the morning.

Around 150 staffs participated in the walkathon and spread the message Reduce, Reuse, Recycle of plastic for Plastic free environment. Later, a drawing competition among the children of staff members was held at LHO premises. More than 30 children
participated and were felicitated by CDO Shri Singh. SBI in association with NGO
“Orissa Environment Society” , conducted a seminar on the theme in a meeting hall
at Bhubaneswar. Around 150 persons from different walks of life and profession
had attended the programme and some plantation activity was undertaken to
celebrate the occasion.

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