State Bank of India Bhubaneswar Circle has celebrated 88th Utkal Divas simultaneuously at all branches and offices in Odisha. In Local Head Office Bhubaneswar , celebration started with inauguration of sand art on the Utkal Divas theme by SBI Bhubaneswar Circle CGM Shri Chander Sekhar Sharma. On the auspicious occasion, donation of bed sheets , groceries, stand fans and other essential items was made to inmates of Utkalmani Gopabandhu Bridhhashrama located at Pandara Chowk, Puri Bypass road, Bhubaneswar.
A helath check up camp by Team Care Hospital was also organised at the shelter home on the occasion. In the afternoon, a meeting was organised at LHO lobby where CGM Shri Sharma speaking on this pious occasion, extended his good wishes for all SBI customers and people of Odisha on Utkal Diwas and his hearty congratulations to staffs for making SBI Bhubaneswar Circle crossing 2 Trillion business. He also advised all staff and Business Unit Heads to intensify focus on customer meet and improved customer service in coming days.The meeting was followed by an in house cultural and musical programme participated by all LHO staff members .